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Doctrines or Dogmas of the Catholic Church
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (No Salvation Outside the Church)
- Quotes from Scripture, the Popes, Doctors of the Church and the saints on
this dogma of the Church.
Respect for other religions? - This
article points out how different the post-Vatican II "attitude" of the
Church, primarily the ecumenical spirit, is from the true attitude found
in Catholic tradition, i.e. the teachings of the Popes. The essay
then proceeds to give logical arguments supporting this tradition and delineates
true Catholic behavior towards other religions.
The Laws of God Forbidding All Communication in Religion
With Those of a False Religion - Bishop George Hay (1729-1811).
The "Catholic" Charismatic Movement
- This article addresses the crazy Pentecostal movement which has so recently
taken a foothold in the Church as a natural progression to the changes
of Vatican II and has increased in popularity at an alarming rate.
The article points out the marked differences between the behavior of the
Pentecostals and the teachings and actions of Our Lord, the Apostles, and
the saints. The incompatibility of the spirit of Pentecostalism with
Church doctrine is also stressed.
Quotes proving the authority of Tradition
- Popes, saints, doctors of the Church, etc... all take up the defense.
Three Errors of the Feeneyite Movement
- This article presents the Church's teaching on Baptism of Blood and Desire as expressed by the Fathers, Doctors, Popes and theologians as well as The Council of Trent.
The Pains of Hell - St Anthony Mary Claret
puts hell and eternity in their proper perspective in this sobering article.
[En Español]
Hell Exists and We Might Go There - This
article is based on a talk given by Fr. Nault to the bishops at the Fatima
Bishops Conference.
What Will Hell Be Like? - This booklet is a selection from the writings of
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church - an authoritative statement on the subject.
Meditation on the reality and sufferings and eternity of Hell are for us all the most sobering
warning to lead a good life and follow the law of God.
Cry of a Lost Soul - A tragic story of a
soul in Hell revealing how she lost her soul and what Hell is like.
The Reality of Hell - Stories of persons who
visited Hell and
apparitions of the damned.
Catholicism vs. Freemasonry: Irreconcilable Forever - Learn about the Church's stance on Freemasonry, now and forever...
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